Topic: How does establishing systems turn a startup or a business profitable?

In today's AI era, being technologically accessible and potent, startups and businesses are facing issues in establishing brand image, generating revenues and gaining good PAT. There's one error in the core, which's responsible for the entire disturbance. Let's explore

Founders having all the core aspects that I've mentioned in my previous post shall surely support their startups initially. But as startups/businesses continues to grow, new areas will be unlocked to look into.

To establish a startup or business, building systems around the daily activities to the crucial aspects of it like work timings, scheduling meetings, work plan, assigning roles to deciding their working style, establishing work culture, recruiting people etc., enhances the way they operate and bring huge revenues to the company.

These systems regulate the repeated procedures in a day to a week/month/year in a startup/business to work smoothly without causing any errors in-between. They can be made by the founding team or the working CEO of the company according to their decided working style and their identification in finding the crucial aspects for their startups.

You can take an example from Brian Chesky, the founder of Airbnb. He often recalls the situation where he established systems in the hiring procedure at all of their offices across the globe which is the crucial aspect of their startup.

Every startup has its crucial areas of operations. In the case of Airbnb, it's recruiting the right people. As they aimed to build a culture among their customers, Airbnb needs people who can continue the quality-principles of building the culture among their customers.

Now, let's dive deep into another best example of how even a complete outsider can make historical changes in a company by establishing systems. Burger King's appointed CEO Daniel Schwartz by 3C CAPITALS at their bad times, identified and brought changes in the crucial aspects of their business.

By making a few tremendous decisions, the company started to see the output in no time. Customers started feeling better in receiving the burger within time. Revenues shot up and the company started seeing its better days. And the rest is history.

Today Burger King turned into one of the most powerful and ideal restaurant businesses ever with a huge revenue of $2.3 Bn in FY23.

Not only these two examples, the founders with no prior experience in the startup world to the biggest industry leaders today have been so because of these implementations and establishing strong systems in their companies.

For every startup or business to operate smoothly and scale vertically, establishment of systems around the identified crucial aspects can completely change their occupancy in the market place and bring a huge difference in their profitability.

For that not only the founding team is responsible and credited but the complete outsider as a CEO can also achieve such a huge success in the market place. To get out of losses, bounce back from the bankruptcy and to turn profitable, business systems play a major role.

Madhusudan N

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